Grand Opening of Cheers Co-op (Revenue Tower)
Cheers Co-op (Revenue Tower) officially opened on October 25, 2019. Dr. The Honourable Lam Ching-Choi, SBS, JP, member of the Executive Council, Dr. Lo Tak Lam, Chairman of the Executive Committee of The Mental Health Association of Hong Kong, Dr. Benjamin Lai, Chairman of the Board of Directors of MentalCare Connect Company Limited and Dr. Alice Yuk, BBS, JP, President of HKGCSE were invited as the officiating guests. In addition, two social enterprise guests Ms. Eunice Kwan, the founder of FruitsMaMa and Mr. Yiu Hung Chi, the Chief Administrative Officer of Hong Kong Employment Development Service are cordially invited to share their experiences in cooperating with Cheers Co-op. There were nearly a hundred guests attending the ceremony to share the joyful moment.